Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Steamed shishito pepper(kkwarigochu zzim)

It's new writing after quite long interval.
Today's food is steamed shishito pepper, kkwarigochu zzim in Korean.
Ingredients : shishito pepper(kkwarigochu) 600g, flour powder 4TS,
ingredients for sauce : crushed garlic 1TS, soysauce 3TS, sugar 3TS, redpepper powder 1TS, sesame oil 1TS

1. Trim the shishito pepper and wash them.
2. While pepper is in wet, scatter flour powder on them and mix well.

3. Steam the coated pepper for 5~6 min.

4. Mix sauce ingredients well and sprinkle on pepper.

It is real easy recipes as you see and good taste. Why don't you try this one today?

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